S3E12: Insights from a Librarian, Part 2, with Jared Anjwierden

Happy pi day!

Today continues a conversation with public Librarian Jared Anjwierden. He works in the Salt Lake County library system, which is considerably large with 20 branches. While managing the Teen collection, he gleaned some insights into what books people are checking out again and again. This half of the interview includes some discussion of publishing trends that can be seen in what books are made available in the library system.

The first half of the interview can be viewed here: https://youtu.be/TdhARk-QtZk

Jared is also an author! his books can be found on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/stores/J.-M.-Anjewierden/author/B071DG1X1L

Don’t forget! my first book, Nightshade Unicorn: Forerunner, is also available! Find a link to your preferred store, including Amazon, here: https://books2read.com/NightshadeUnicorn-1

Next week: A discussion with Mid-grade Game Lit author Elden Walseck.

S3E11: Rainfall

As mentioned during the episode, you can purchase Nightshade Unicorn: Forerunner here, and elsewhere:

Amazon (eBook, paperback, hardcover)

Google Play (eBook)

Also, you can stay up-to-date by subscribing to the free newsletter at:

Catch us next week for part 2 of the interview with author and librarian Jared Anjwierden.

Enjoy the rain.

S3E10: “Forerunner” is Here!

Nightshade Unicorn: Forerunner is live!

You can pick it up in eBook, paperback, or hardcover on Amazon at: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CVW6CBV9/ (Tell your friends.)

Other distributors are on the way; you’ll be able to find those links at nightshadeunicorn.com.

We’ll see you next week!

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